{ constructor: function(){ }, ngOnInit: function() { }, ngAfterViewInit: function() { console.log(this); this.load(); }, add: function(){ var that = this; this.open(2,{},{size: 'xl'}).subscribe(function(res){ if(res) that.load(); }); }, searchSchema: { properties: { no: { type: 'string', title: '编号', ui: { errors: { 'required': '必填项' } } }, name: { type: 'string', title: '名称' } }, required: ['no','name'] }, page: { front: false, }, formSubmit: function(event){ }, formReset: function(event) { }, list: [], columns: [ { title: 'ID', index: 'id' ,sort:{} }, { title: '名称', index: 'name' }, { title: '状态', index: 'status' }, { title: '创建时间', type: 'date', index: 'created_at' }, {title: '修改时间',type: 'date', index: 'updated_at'}, { title: '操作', buttons: [ { text: '查看' }, { text: "编辑" ,click: function(a,b,c){ this.open(2,a,{size: 'xl'}).subscribe(function(res){ }); } } ] } ], total: 0, change: function(event) { }, query: { body: { }, id: '', name: 'list', }, load: function(){ var that =this; this.query.id = this['module'].id; this.moduleSvr .getData(this.query) .subscribe(function(res){ if(res.code === 0){ that.list = res.data.list; that.total = res.data.total; } }); } }